Martin 1st September 2015

I've written a piece on some memories of Ian, but there are lots more. Vivian reminded me of the family camp on Shell Island when Ian had made the tent the family slept in and he also made a fantastic blue canvas bag in the same material. He gave it to Viv and we had it for years. Probably the most durable bag ever. He occasionally got impatient with us all! I remember visiting him and Liz in Farnham when he was stationed there in the army. He'd made an omelette mix and left it on the window cill. When I got to it, it was covered in masses of black specks. Our Mum and Dad had never used black pepper so it was beyond my experience. When I told him I'd had to throw it away because of all the dirt that had blown into it, he was not a happy brother at all! Martin